As you may already know, 911 will be introduced province wide in the near future. Therefore, the council recommends that residents put a number on their house which will assist emergency responders in case of an emergency. If you are not sure what your house numbe is, please contact the town office or you can get it from your property assessment notice that you receive in the mail from Municipal Assessment Agency.
Municipal Election
Election Day will be September 24, 2013. The date for Nomination Day has not been determined yet.
Town Clerk/Manager-Leave of Absence
I would like to confirm that I will be away from the office on a leave of absence starting June 21, 2013-January 6, 2013.
During this time, I will be visting with my family out of the province. This hasn't been an easy decision because I care for the overall community as I do for my personal concerns.
In my absence, I will make myself available as much as possible to the council and staff in order to make their jobs less difficult and stressful.
It's been a pleasure working with the residents and the council of Parsons Pond and I couldn't have asked for a nicer town to work in.
Joan Parsons
Janeway Fundraiser
The Volunteer Fire Brigade and Firettes raised $506.00 to donate to Janeway Hospital.
The council would like to extend appreciation to the volunteers that organized this event and to all the people that donated prizes and food.