Election Day is Tuesday, September 24th, 2013. The poll
station will be open at Parsons Pond Community Hall
from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The nominated candidates are:
- Adelaide Shears
- Brenda Biggin
- Cythnia Caines
- Otto Payne
- Paul Parsons
- Robin Payne
- Susan Payne
Please come forward to vote for your community council
members. Remember this is your opportunity to
have your say on who is representing
the people of Parsons Pond.
If you are not available to vote on Election Day or unable to
come to the polling station because of
sickness the council office has Proxy
Applications available that can be filled out and submitted to
have someone
vote on your behalf. The application
completed and returned by Monday, September 23rd, 2013
at 4:00 p.m.
Municipal Taxes
We would like to thank those of you that have been paying
their municipal taxes. For those of
who don’t drive you may contact the town office to make arrangements for your
payments to
be picked up by the town clerk.
We would also like to inform people that have arrears with
the town and have not made an effort to
make payments we are now working with a
collection agency. You may be contacted
by the collection agency collecting taxes on behalf of the community. If we
have to collect your taxes through the agency
your credit rating will be
affected. This service is costly which takes
away from other services the town could be providing with your tax
Summer Festival Update
The Summer Festival this year was a great success. We would like to thank everyone who
Without your continued support
this would not be possible
Sports and Recreation would like to thank everyone who made
a donation, or helped out in any way
for their functions.
The Parsons Pond Fire Brigade would like to thank everyone
who made a donation, or helped out
in any way for their Pork Chop Dinner and
Bingo game.
The winners of the button prizes were:
BBQ-Susan Payne
Shampoo-Stephanie Keough
Angel Decoration-Natalia Verge
Lamppost Decoration-Bevin Goosney
Hat & T-Shirt-Danielle Brake
Coat-Justine Major
Large Cooler Bag-Angela Thornhill
Small Cooler Bag-Mike Payne
Helmet-Lilly Blanchard
The winners of the 50/50 draws were:
Dwayne Parsons
Meghan Verge
The winner of the Quilt Ticket donated by Jean Parsons was
Ryan Keough.
Bus Shelter
Someone in the community has been using the bus shelter by
the community hall has a washroom
This is not the first time this as happened, if this continues we will have no choice but
close up this bus shelter altogether.
The children in this community use that bus shelter to wait
for the bus to pick them up. It would be
shame for them to lose this advantage because of someone’s senseless
If you have any information regarding this matter please
contact the council office at 243-2564.
person caught will be reported to the R.C.M.P. in Rocky
Harbour. Furthermore, charges could be