Thursday, 3 October 2013

October 2013

Election Results 

Election Day was Tuesday, September 24th, 2013.    We would like to thank everyone 
who participated,  Adelaide Shears and Cynthia Caines for their years of service to
 our community, and to the newly elected council for their commitment to serve this
 community for the next four years. 

The following people were elected to our town council:

·         Brenda Biggin
·         Paul Parsons
·         Otto Payne
·         Robin Payne
·         Susan Payne

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor were decided at our first meeting.  They are:

·         Mayor-Brenda Biggin
·         Deputy Mayor-Robin Payne

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the town office at 243-2564.

Waste In Our Community 

Someone is dumping waste in various locations within the community.  There is waste 
piled up on the point and in the outer part of the Subdivision.

We should be showing pride in our community not reflecting on it poorly. 
The town now has to look into how they are going to clean up this mess.   This will be
 an added expense this community should not have to incur.   The waste dumped may 
lead to wild animals entering our community; which leads to an unsafe environment for 
everyone from both the garbage and wild animals.

The Long Range Waste Management Site is open to the public on Wednesdays 
and Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for your dumping needs.

It is illegal to dump in a non-certified site.  If you or someone you know have information a
bout the dumping of waste please contact the town office at 243-2564. 

 Emergency Preparedness

We would like to remind the residents of Parsons Pond to be prepared for adverse weather.  Here are a
 few simple tips to help you prepare for this time of year:

·         Watch for warnings and advisories
·         Follow local weather forecasts
·         Prepare and maintain an emergency kit-be ready to cope on your own for at least 72 hours
·         Develop an emergency plan, remember the specific requirements of pets or any person in your household 
       with a medical condition, mobility issues, or other specific needs
·         Be aware of all local emergency numbers
·         Understand your insurance policy
·         Ensure sump pumps are in working order
·         Keep all household drains free from debris
·         Secure patio furniture, yard tools, or playground equipment, and remove dead trees and branches which 
        may be affected by heavy winds
·         Consider installing a hard-lined phone in your residence as cordless phones will not work in a power outage
·         Do not touch or attempt to move downed power lines; advise your utility provider immediately instead
·         If you become aware of flooding on streets or observe areas where culvers are blocked, contact municipal officials to advise them of the situation as soon as possible.

       More details on personal preparedness can be found at or at  

Come Home Year 2016

 The planning of Come Home Year has begun.  Executive members are now in place for the Come 
Home Year Committee. 

Each committee or organization will be asked to have someone represent them on this committee. 
Please help out to make this Come Home Year 2016 a special time for our community

Boil Water Advisory

 From Wednesday, October 9, 2013 to Friday, October 11, 2013 the regional maintenance man 
will be flushing our water lines.

Therefore, boil water advisory will be in effect until further notice.

Consumers are advised to bring water that you may ingest to a rigorous boil for one minute.

For Example:
·         drinking
·         cooking
·         brushing teeth
·         washing vegetables & fruit
·         making any beverages with water
·         making infant formula & cereal