Remembrance Day Service
Monday, November 11th, 2013 there was a service
held for Remembrance Day. It started at
St. Peter’s
Anglican Church, and then proceeded to the Anglican Cemetery for
remainder of the service.
Lemonte Thornhill,
Christopher Payne, Jeff Caines, and Robin Payne laid wreaths in tribute. Forty one
people attended to show their
respect to the courageous people that have fought for our freedom. May we
never take for granted what these
people do for us. Following the service
everyone went to the Community
Center for finger foods.
Municipal Taxes
We would like to thank those of you that have made an effort
to pay your taxes. For those of you that
owe taxes please make an effort to make payment. The deadline for unpaid taxes is December
Cat Issue
It has come to the Town Council’s attention that people are
abandoning cats in several locations in our
community. This was an issue in the past that cost the
tax payers a large sum of money.
Also, we have had reports of someone shooting cats and kittens
with pellets. This is cruel and uncalled
These two issues are punishable by law. If you have any information about who may be
doing this please
contact the town office at 243-2564. Any tips that are given are confidential. With the help of the
people in the community
we can put a stop to this animal cruelty.
These animals have not asked to be
brought here so let’s show a little
Boil Water Advisory
The boil water advisory was lifted as of Thursday, October 31st,
2013. We would like to thank you
your understanding during this time.