Thursday, 20 February 2014

February 2014

Changes in Municipal Tax Policy

In a meeting held on December 10th, 2013 a regulation change.  
All municipal taxes will now have to be paid by October 31st of 
that year. This change is necessary so all taxes will be collected
 before year end. We still have tax payers who take the services 
offered in our community for granted and fail to pay their taxes on 
time.This makes it bad for everyone else. Council would like to thank 
those of you that are making an effort each year to have your taxes paid 
on time. 

Come Home Year Update

The Come Home Year Committee has received a lot of addresses for 
their Come Home Year 2016 from residents.  If you know of anyone 
from Parsons Pond who has not submitted their address to date please 
ask them to forward their information along to or 
to Box 149, Parsons Pond, NL, A0K 3Z0. 
The Come Home Year Committee will be holding their next public meeting 
on Monday, March 10th, 2014 at Parsons Pond Club starting at 6:30 p.m. 

A Message From The Fire Brigade

With your help we were able to make the van for the Jaws of Life a reality.  
We will be putting the finishing touches on the van in near future. Through 
our fundraising efforts we are able to have our members do training, which
 is essential in offering our town the best protection possible.  
We are now fundraising to buy a large generator for the community in case 
of an emergency where everyone would have to go to the community center. 
  We have tickets for sale from each of your fire brigade members.   On behalf 
of the volunteer fire brigade I would like to thank everyone for their continued
 support throughout the years.  
                                              Mike Verge, Fire Chief

Cat Rescue Efforts

Recently Scaredy Cat Rescue had nineteen cats spayed/neutered.  These cats
 are now marked by their ears being sniped and two have collars on them.  The
 local residents that are taken care of the cat rescue efforts are asking that no 
one hurt these cats.  It was costly to have this procedure done.  The residents that 
are overseeing the rescue efforts have 50/50 tickets available for sale to help raise
 funds to offset the cost of having to transporting the cats to Corner Brook.  They 
are hoping to have more cats spayed/neutered in the upcoming months.