Friday, 30 May 2014

May 2014

Student Employment

We have applied for funding and will be accepting resumes for summer 2014. 
Please submit your resume with your level education to the town office.

Central Development will also be accepting resumes pending funding. Please forward
 resumes to their office if you are interested.

Youth Ventures

The Youth Ventures Program is up and running again this year as of April 28/2014. 
Contact will be made with schools and councils starting on May 5/2014. If you know
 a student between the age of 12 & 29, who will be returning to school in September 2014
 that is interested in starting their own business please tell them about our program. Contact 
Cathy Payne at 243-2744.

Annual Spring Cleanup

The town of Parsons Pond will be holding their annual spring cleanup from Monday, May 
12 to Saturday, May 17/2014.


·         All garbage must be secured in boxes or garbage bags in a proper manner and placed at 
y    our curb.
·         This cleanup does not include old car/truck parts or tires—the waste site is open 
      Wednesdays and Saturdays for those items.
·         Council would like all residents to do their part and help beautify the town by cleaning/tidying
      their property and surrounding areas.
·         For garbage pickup please contact the council office at 243-2564 or Dexter Payne at 243-2286.

     Theatre Newfoundland & Labrador

TNL will be hosting a Neddy Norris Night on July 31st/2014 at Parsons Pond Lounge.

Admission:   Adults $27.00
                   Students $15.00

If you would like to purchase tickets early due to limited space, you can contact Brenda Biggin 
at 243-2553 or Stephanie Keough at the Town office at 243-2564.

Civic Address

Everyone in Parsons Pond has a civic address. The town council is asking that everyone make 
their address visible to your street by putting your number on your house.

This is necessary in case of emergency. The ambulance, fire truck and police will need information
 once the 911 implementation is put in place.

Please contact the town office Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm to confirm your civic 

Snow Clearing 2013/2014

We try our best to provide the best snow clearing through our town. In saying that our tax dollars pay for this service.

The winter of 2013/2014 has been long and hard, which meant we had to go $10,000.00 over on our budget in snow clearing this year. This is why it is important to collect all outstanding taxes.