Newsletter 2014
Fire Prevention Week
This is Fire Prevention Week Please check all smoke detectors
and fire alarms to make sure they are working proper; keep your chimney clean
to prevent creosote buildup. Always change your furnace filters on a regular
Long Range Waste Site
The Long Range Waste Site is opened from Tuesday to Saturday
8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Anyone that need to dispose of any garbage can do so on
these days.
Emergency Preparedness
We would
like to remind the residents of Parsons Pond to be prepared for adverse
weather. Here are a few simple tips to
help you prepare for this time of year:
- · Watch for warnings and advisories
- · Follow local weather forecasts
- · Prepare and maintain an emergency kit-be ready to cope on your own for at least 72 hours. Develop an emergency plan, remember the specific requirements of pets or any person in your household with a medical condition, mobility issues, or other specific needs
- · Be aware of all local emergency numbers
- · Understand your insurance policy
- · Ensure sump pumps are in working order
- · Keep all household drains free from debris
- · Secure patio furniture, yard tools, or playground equipment, and remove dead trees and branches which may be affected by heavy winds
- · Consider installing a hard-lined phone in your residence as cordless phones will not work in a power outage
- · Do not touch or attempt to move downed power lines; advise your utility provider immediately instead
- · If you become aware of flooding on streets or observe areas where culverts are blocked, contact municipal officials to advise them of the situation as soon as possible. More details on personal preparedness can be found at www.gov.nl.ca/fe or at www.getprepared.ca.