Tuesday, 3 March 2015

February newsletter 2015

 Municipal Taxes                                                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                 For all residents of this Town, everyone should have received their 2015 Municipal Tax Bills. For residents who pay their taxes, the town would like to thank you. It would not be possible for the snow clearing to be done, or garbage collection ect. without taxes being paid.    For residents who are not paying or making any  effort to do so,  there will be water cut off and any further action that need to be done will be done.              There are payment plans available which can be set up at the town office   Those payments can be set up to  suit ones  budget but must be paid in full by October 31 of each year.                                                                           

Snow Clearing

The snow clearing season is upon us, the town is asking all residents to keep their vehicles of the roads that has to be plowed. It is making it more difficult to get snow cleared properly. Everyone be extra cautious, snow banks are getting high and there is no way to see if there are other
vehicles coming before entering on roadways.

 Come Home Year And Sports & Rec 

There will be a pancake supper at the Anglican Church basement on Tuesday February 17th from 4:00 P.M.-6:30 P.M. Please come and support Come Home Year.
The winter carnival is starting February 27th - March 2nd. There are lots of activities planned for this event and everyone should try and participate in it.

Debit Machine

The town is in the process of getting a debit machine installed at the town office. We feel it will be a great benefit as most people do not have cash on hand and with no banking facilities available in this area, it will make it more practical for residents to be able to come to the town office and pay their municipal taxes with their bank and or visa or master card.