Tuesday, 19 May 2015

May Newsletter 2015

Student Employment 

We will be accepting resumes from students for Summer Employment 2015. Please submit your resume with your level of education to the town office. 
Central Development will also be accepting resumes.  Please forward resumes to their office if you are interested.

Youth Ventures 

The Youth Ventures Program is up and running again this year as of April 28/2015. Contact will be made with schools and councils starting on May 5/2015. If you know a student between the age of 12 & 29, who will be returning to school in September 2015 that is interested in starting their own business please tell them about our program. Contact Cathy Payne at 243-2744.

 Annual Spring Cleanup 

The town of Parsons Pond will be holding their annual spring cleanup from Monday, May 25 to Saturday, May 30, 2015.


  •  All garbage must be secured in boxes or garbage bags in a proper manner and placed at your curb.
  •    This cleanup does not include old car/truck parts or tires—the waste site is open Tuesday to        Saturdays for those items.
  •     Council would like all residents to do their part and help beautify the town by cleaning/tidying their       property and surrounding areas.
  •     For garbage pickup please contact the council office at 243-2564 or Dexter Payne at 709-630-0196

       Fire Brigade Banquet

The Fire Brigade Banquet was a great success again this year. Thank You for all your support.
The winners:
Spot Dance: Kelly Keough & Pete Patey.
Door Prize: Lynn Payne
50/50 Draw: Bobbi Jean Biggin & Muriel Biggin.

Marjorie & Wycliff Rose donated a Quilt to the Fire Brigade; there will be tickets available throughout the town for sell.

Marguerite Keough donated a flower arrangement to the Fire Brigade. The winner was Norma Patey.

Speeding In Town 

There have been complaints with concerns about speeding in town. The speed limit is 30 kms/hr on town roads. Please slow down the days and evenings are getting longer, kids are out playing and more people are walking. How would you feel if you cause serious injuries to someone because of speeding that could have been prevented?

Water Cut Off 

This is a final reminder to residents who are in arrears for Municipal Taxes. Your water will be cut Friday May 8, 2015. It is not fair for residents who do not pay their taxes to get the same service as those that do pay.

Emergency Preparedness Kit 

Coalition of Persons with Disabilities, there is an Emergency Preparedness Kit available at the town council office. If anyone with a disability wants to fill out a kit with their personal information, the information will be kept on file at the Town Office in the Fire Department filing cabinet in case of an emergency.

April  Newsletter 2015

Fireman’s Banquet Update 

The Fire Brigade will be having their annual Fireman’s Banquet on Saturday April 25th, 2015. Supper will start at 8:00 P.M. and dance to follow at 10:00 P.M. Please come and support the Fire Brigade.  Every Household is asked to bring along a dish.

Water Shut Off Date 

Just a reminder that as of Friday, May 5th, 2015 anyone who owes outstanding taxes will have their Water Shut Off.  The deadline for payment is Thursday, April 30th, 2015.  Please contact the town office to set up payment options for these accounts.  The Town Council now have a terminal where as you can come to the Office and pay by cash, visa, or mastercard
After this date, notices will be sent to people with outstanding accounts. An outstanding account is one that is owed for a previous year.  This water shut off will be strictly enforced and all outstanding accounts will have to be paid in full before water will be turned back on. There will be an extra $100.00 charge to have your water turned back on. Please consider your priorities if it’s a car, ski doo, atv, ect payment or if it’s the necessities of water and or sewer.
We once again would like to thank those residents who make a point of paying their accounts on time.  We feel it is only fair that everyone pay their share.  Just a reminder that if you have no transportation to the council office please contact the town office and we can  make arrangements to have your payment picked up . If there are no taxes being collected then someone has to suffer and those services will have to be cut.

Snow Clearing 

As you are aware, there has been an enormous amount of snow this year. The Town has faced many challenges in keeping the roads plowed and cleared. The snow clearing budget has exceeded its limit and still continue to do so. If taxes are not paid, the snow clearing and garbage collection will have to be drastically reduced because that is how the snow plow operators and garbage collector get paid. If there are no taxes being collected then someone has to suffer and those services will have to be cut.