June Newsletter 2015
Town Hall
The Town Council has received complaints when there are functions going on at the Town Hall, the thermostat is getting turned up and left on high. This is not acceptable; the Town has struggled with high Hydro bills this winter and continues to do so. Please do not touch the thermostats in the Town hall they are all set at one temperature and must stay like that.
Waste Management
The Long Range Waste Management Site is now open to the public Tuesday to Saturday from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm.
We would like to remind residents that there is a limit of six bags per household.
You are not permitted to put your bags of garbage in another household container. We are receiving complaints that people are putting their waste in other people’s containers without permission. This is not permitted. If there is more than one household in one container inform the town office so they can notify the garbage collector.
The Playground area is being damaged and there are reports that kids have been seen upon top of buildings.This Playground is there to use, have fun and respect what is there not destroy it. There have been a lot of money and hard work put in this Playground so the kids can have somewhere to play and socialize with other kids. If anyone is caught damaging this property it will be their responsibility to fix and repair damages. This is also a big safety issue.
Parsons Pond Volunteer Fire Brigade
Parsons pond volunteer fire brigade and firettes would like to thank everyone who helped with the bake sale on May 30th , 2015. There was a 50/50 draw and the winner was Sheila Blanchard. Marjorie and Wycliff Rose donated a quilt to the fire brigade, tickets were sold and the winner was Aiden Goosney. There was a $525.00 donation made to the Janeway telethon from the proceeds of the bake sale and 50/50 draw.
Student Employment
The Town Council is accepting resumes from students for summer employment. Please submit your resume with your level of education to the town office.
Central Development is also accepting resumes. Please forward your resume to their office if you are interested.
Come Home Year
The Come Home Year Committee is reminding residents to register early on or before December 31, 2015. You will be guaranteed to receive a Come Home Year registration bag if you register on or before this date. After December 31, 2015, due to a limited amount of bags purchased, it will be first come first serve basis.
Building Permits
Just a reminder to residents, before you start any construction or renovation, please make sure you have a building permit from the town. NO construction is permitted within the town boundaries without a permit. Thank You.
Municipal Taxes
For customers who are paying their taxes thank you. For those you are not paying there is stricter measures enforced. There is a debit terminal at the town council office for customers who wish to avail of this service. There are also payment plans that can be set up to satisfy your budget. Please make every effort to get your taxes paid on time. The deadline for taxes to be paid is October 31, 2015.