Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Town of Parsons Pond
P.O. Box 39, Parsons Pond,  NL  A0K 3Z0
Telephone:  (709)243-2564    Fax:  (709)243-2254

Brenda Biggin, Mayor  /  Robin Payne, Deputy-Mayor  /  Blanche Thornhill, Town Clerk/Manager
Wayne Bennett, Regional Maintenance  /  Corey Ward, Part-time Maintenance
Mike Verge, Fire Chief  /  Angela Thornhill, Recreation/ Ambulance Committee Adelaide Shears & Mae Coles

December Newsletter 2015

Water Reservoir    

There are people entering the road to the water reservoir on 4 wheelers and other types of bikes. There is mud entering the water from the bikes having the road spun up. If you have any concerns for family or friends that use and drink this water on a daily basis maybe you should find an alternative route to ride those bikes. This is the town’s property and if anyone knows who is using this road to the water reservoir please contact the town council office. This is a very serious concern.

Christmas Office Hours   

The Town Council wants to wish everyone in our town, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
During the holidays the Town Office will be closed from December 23rd, 2015 to January 4th   2016. 
Please try and take care of any business you have with the council before the office closes.  The Town Councilors and Staff will only be available in case of an emergency.

Parade and Christmas Tree     

The annual Santa Claus Parade is Saturday, December 19th, 2015.  The Parade will begin at 1:00 p.m. from the Community Centre; we ask that all floats be there for 12:30 p.m.  The Christmas Tree will follow the Parade.  Santa Claus will be riding in the Fire Brigade Float again this year.
We would love for everyone to come out and participate again this year.
For further information please contact:
Mike Verge, Fire Chief  243-2560                        Boyce Decker, Deputy Chief 243-7293                      Stan Patey, Treasurer     243-2382                        Town Office                          243 2564                                                          

Safety Tips for Christmas   

Here are a few helpful tips to help make our holidays a safe and happy one:
1.       When buying a real tree, check to see that it is fresh.  Water tree daily.  Make sure the tree is well secured in a sturdy stand. Place tree away from any source of heat.
2.       When decorating your home, only use indoor lights inside and outdoor lights outside. 
  Check all light and plug-ins to ensure they are working properly.

           Fire Brigade Tickets    

The winners of the tickets sold by the Fire Brigade were:
1st Prize 11x14 Picture                   Sharon Ball
2nd Prize Christmas Stocking        Simone Stone
3rd Prize Tree Skirt, Table Runner, Coasters, & Apron                                                                                                                                   Della Blanchard
4th Prize  Christmas Swag            Harmony Decker
The Fire Brigade wants to thank everyone who bought tickets and the people and organization that donated these items.               

Snow Clearing Regulations    

(a)    During the period of December 1 to May 31 it is illegal to park any vehicle on a street or highway under the jurisdiction of the Town Council of Parsons Pond, between the hours of 12 midnight and 8:00 a.m.
(b)   It is illegal to throw, push or otherwise deposit snow or any other material onto any street or highway (which would also include all street reservation and ditch areas).
Violators may be ticketed for each occurrence.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.  These regulations are in place for everyone’s safety.

Budget with Revenue/Expenditures for 2016

The Town has taken steps to provide a balanced budget for 2016. Below is a breakdown of revenue and expenditures
Water/Sewer/Property/Business $201,842.69
Sales of Goods and Services $ 700.00
Other Revenue $35,000.00       
Government Transfers $125,994.86                                         
Total Revenue $363,537.55                    
General Government $ 139,152.72
Protective Services   $ 40,051.75
Transportation Services $ 90,424.50
Environmental Health                     $ 48,195.89
Fiscal Services               $ 45,712.69
Total Expenditures:     $ 363,537.55 

Garbage Collection

Council wants to inform residents Christmas Week garbage collection will be on the following days:
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Thursday, December 31, 2015
The Waste Management Site will be closed on the following days:
Friday, December 25, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Friday, January 1, 2016

Town of Parsons Pond
P.O. Box 39, Parsons Pond,  NL  A0K 3Z0
Telephone:  (709)243-2564    Fax:  (709)243-2254

Brenda Biggin, Mayor  /  Robin Payne, Deputy-Mayor  /  Blanche Thornhill, Town Clerk/Manager
Wayne Bennett, Maintenance  /  Arch Payne, Part-time Maintenance
Mike Verge, Fire Chief  /  Angela Thornhill, Recreation/ Ambulance Committee Adelaide Shears & Mae Coles

November  Newsletter 2015

Remembrance Day Service     

Wednesday, November 11th, 2015 there will be a service held for Remembrance Day.  It will be at the Community Center starting at 10:30 a.m., and then proceeded to the Anglican Cemetery for remainder of the service. The Mayor will lay a wreath in tribute.  May we never take for granted what these people do for us.   Following the service there will be finger foods at the Community Center sponsored by the Town Council.

Municipal Taxes

We would like to thank those of you that have made an effort to pay your taxes.  For those of you that still owe taxes please make an effort to get your taxes paid. The deadline for unpaid taxes were October 31 2015. 

Community Enhancement Project

The Community Enhancement project is started again this year. Any Senior or persons with disability, there will be workers available to assist in daily chores.

Boil Water Advisory

The boil water advisory was lifted as of Friday October 30th, 2015.  We would like to thank you for your understanding during this time.

Wreath Project
This will be the third year of the handmade holiday wreath project. If anyone is interested in this project or buying a wreath, please contact the Town Council Office.


There have been reports there are garbage being dumped in the pit at the Subdivision. This is unacceptable and if anyone know who is disposing of this garbage, please contact the Town Council Office. The Long Range Waste Site is ope  Tuesday to Saturday 8:30 A.M- 3:00 P.M.
Town of Parsons Pond
P.O. Box 39, Parsons Pond,  NL  A0K 3Z0
Telephone:  (709)243-2564    Fax:  (709)243-2254

Brenda Biggin, Mayor  /  Robin Payne, Deputy-Mayor  /  Blanche Thornhill, Town Clerk/Manager
Wayne Bennett, Maintenance  /  Arch Payne, Part-time Maintenance
Mike Verge, Fire Chief  /  Angela Thornhill, Recreation/ Adelaide Shears & Mae Coles Ambulance Committee

October  Newsletter 2015

Fire Prevention Week

This is Fire Prevention Week Please check all smoke detectors and fire alarms to make sure they are working proper; keep your chimney clean to prevent creosote buildup. Always change your furnace filters on a regular basis.

Long Range Waste Site

The Long Range Waste Site is opened from Tuesday to Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Anyone that need to dispose of any garbage can do so on these days.

 Emergency Preparedness

We would like to remind the residents of Parsons Pond to be prepared for adverse weather.  Here are a few simple tips to help you prepare for this time of year:
·         Watch for warnings and advisories
·         Follow local weather forecasts
·         Prepare and maintain an emergency kit-be ready to cope on your own for at least 72 hours
·         Develop an emergency plan, remember the specific requirements of pets or any person in your household with a medical condition, mobility issues, or other specific needs
·         Be aware of all local emergency numbers
·         Understand your insurance policy
·         Ensure sump pumps are in working order
·         Keep all household drains free from debris
·         Secure patio furniture, yard tools, or playground equipment, and remove dead trees and branches which may be affected by heavy winds
·         Consider installing a hard-lined phone in your residence as cordless phones will not work in a power outage
·         Do not touch or attempt to move downed power lines; advise your utility provider immediately instead
·         If you become aware of flooding on streets or observe areas where culvers are blocked, contact municipal officials to advise them of the situation as soon as possible.More details on personal preparedness can be found at or at

Municipal Taxes

The deadline for all past and current taxes to be paid in full is October 30th. For residents that are in arrears, your water will be cut by the end of the day on October 30th, and will not be turned back on until all taxes are paid in full. There will be an additional $100.00 charge to have your water turned back on. Please avoid extra cost. If you are paying basic rate for your property plus water and sewer the cost per week is $13.27 and if it is basic property and water the cost per week is $9.62. If water has to be cut and it will, think about when the tap is turned on to do dishes, laundry, shower, to get a drink or maybe flush the toilet and there is no water. Everyone that has a car, truck, atv, or snowmobile if it is financed you pay more than the weekly cost for the necessities of life.

Election Day

The advanced voting poll is opened Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday October 9-12 from 12 noon to 8:00 P.M. for people that cannot be home for voting day October 19, 2015. The voting Poll for Election Day is opened from 8:30 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. Please make every effort to come and vote for the party you want to represent you for the next four years. Please remember to bring your photo ID, you will not be allowed to vote if you have no ID. If you are a first time voter and you are not on the voters list or you have had a change of address you will need two pieces of ID.