Thursday, 14 July 2016

Town of Parsons Pond
P.O. Box 39, Parsons Pond,  NL  A0K 3Z0
Telephone:  (709)243-2564    Fax:  (709)243-2254
Brenda Biggin, Mayor  /  Robin Payne, Deputy-Mayor  /  Blanche Thornhill, Town Clerk/Manager
Wayne Bennett, Regional Maintenance  /  Arch Payne, Part-time Maintenance
Mike Verge, Fire Chief  /  Angela Thornhill, Recreation/Adelaide Shears & Mae Coles         Ambulance Committee
March Newsletter 2016

Daylight Saving Time  


It is the time of year again when daylight saving time comes into effect and the clocks will move ahead one hour at midnight March 12th 2016. Please make sure all fire, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are checked and working properly.


Chimney Cleaning


The volunteer fire brigade wants to bring attention to all residents it is not their responsibility to clean resident’s chimneys. This has been a concern over the past couple months, the fire brigade want to thank the people for their continued support.


Water Dam


There are people using the road leading to the water dam with Ski Doo’s and Four Wheelers. This is a serious violation within the town. It is only a matter of time especially with the mild weather approaching the dam is going to be contaminated with bog water due to vehicles tearing up the ground around the dam. It is illegal to use any motorized vehicle on the dam road. If you know anyone that is using this road, please contact the Town Council Office.




With the mild weather approaching, People are aware of the thin ice around Molting Pond. Please exercise caution before entering on any ponds this time of year.


Deadline For Outstanding Accounts


The deadline for payment for outstanding accounts is two months away.  On May 6th, 2016, the maintenance man will be at your house to shut off water.  Once your water is shut off the complete balance must be paid to the town manager plus a $100.00 hookup fee.

For those of you who do not have water connections.  Your accounts will be submitted to the Credit Bureau for collections with an additional 5% to offset the cost of this service. The other option will be contacting your employer to garnish your wages.  The town has different options how to pay your account, there is a payment plan that can be set up, a debit terminal that you can pay with your Bank Card, Visa, Master Card etc. and coming in April you will be able to pay your Municipal Taxes online.

We would like to sincerely thank those of you that are paying your accounts regularly.   It is not fair for a small portion of our community to use the services without paying their share of the expenses.  The town council is owed a lot of money and will be enforcing stricter measures for those residents that feel they can have a free ride.







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