Friday, 25 April 2014

April 2014

Fireman’s Banquet Update

The Fire Brigade would like to thank everyone who supported their banquet
 this year.  It was a great success.  In total they raised $784.00 on the door 
and $70.00 in donations.  They raised $2423.89 on ticket sales that is with 
the payment $170.11 taken out for printing and licensing fees. 
The ticket winners were 1st Prize ($500.00)-Marilyn Plowman of Port Aux 
Choix, 2nd Prize ($300.00)-Randy Parsons of Cow Head, and 3rd Prize ($200.00)
-Rebecca Patey of Cow Head.   

Water Shut Off Date

Just a reminder that as of Friday, May 2nd, 2014 anyone who owes outstanding 
taxes will have their Water Shut Off.  The deadline for payment is Tuesday, 
April 29th, 2014.  Please contact the town office to set up payment options for 
these accounts. 
After this date notices will be sent out to people with outstanding accounts.  An 
outstanding account is one that is owed for a previous year. 
We once again would like to thank those residents who make a point of paying 
their accounts on time.  We feel it is only fair that everyone pay their share.  Just a
 reminder that if you have no transportation to the council office please contact the
town office to arrange pick up of your payment. 


Someone from the town office will be contacting you in the upcoming weeks via telephone. 
We are trying to set up a database for the town.  This person will be asking you general 
questions about your household.  This data bank will be set up for the town office purpose 
only.  No information will be shared from this survey to any other organization. 
This information will be used to help us with applying of funding for improvements within our

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