Friday, 25 April 2014

March 2014

Long Range Waste Management  

Long Range Waste Management is now located in the Town of Parsons Pond 
Council Office.   Should you have any waste management questions or concerns
 please call 243-2564.   The town clerk will be more than happy to help you.

Cat Rescue Ticket Draw

The cat rescue fund tickets were a great success.  In total there was $200.00 raised
 to help offset the cost of bringing the cats to Corner Brook.  The lucky winner of 
$200.00 was Ben Kennedy.  On behalf of the individuals taking care of the rescue 
efforts we would like to thank you for your support.     

Deadline For Outstanding Accounts

The deadline for payment for outstanding accounts is only one month away.  On 
May 2nd, 2014, the maintenance man will be going to the households of this account
 to shut off water.  Once your water is shut off the complete balance must be paid to 
the town manager plus a $100.00 hookup fee.
For those of you who do not have water connections.  Your accounts will be submitted
 to the Credit Bureau for collections with an additional 5% to offset the cost of this 
service. The other option will be contacting your employer to garnish your wages. 

We would like to sincerely thank those of you that are paying your accounts regularly. 
  It doesn't seem fair for a small portion of our community to use the services without paying
 their share of the expenses.  

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